Luke BD44826-Dog
1 year 5 months
I am friendly with some dogs
I cannot live with cats
I could live with another dog
I can live with teenagers

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Luke is a loveable lurcher with a heart as big as his floppy ears! This sweet boy is the perfect blend of affectionate cuddles and independent playtime.
He walks nicely on the lead and would enjoy off-lead time in secure dog fields or garden. Luke’s social skills shine when interacting with other dogs, though sometimes his enthusiasm to play can be a bit like a whirlwind, so will need supervision. He could live with another dog, again with management as they settle in together.
More details about Luke
Luke has shown that he has a lot of energy and will need support settling into a new home. Any adopter must be prepared for an excitable and curious dog as he gets used to his new surroundings.
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Meeting and greeting other dogs

Meeting and greeting other dogs

Most dogs want to meet others and it is important for them to have the opportunity to display their natural social behaviours and improve their doggie greetings.

Dogs, Dog behaviour



Toileting and even not-toileting are common frustrations in dog ownership. Here's our advice on encouraging housetraining in dogs.

Dogs, Dog training, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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