Molly BD44991-Dog
3 years 1 months
I am still learning to greet other dogs nicely
I cannot live with cats
I cannot live with other dogs
I prefer to live with adults only

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Molly is a sweet girl. She is independent most of the time, but still enjoys a good cuddle on her terms. She is a intelligent girl and is eager to learn new things. She is very food oriented, will constantly ask you for food and is not above stealing it should the opportunity arise. She has not been a very playful girl here but we know that once she is settled in the home she will love to play with all types of toys with you and by herself.
More details about Molly
Molly is looking for a home that has experience with the breed and guarding behaviours. Any potential adopter must be prepared to do training and manage her in the home.
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Mine! Guarding in dogs

Mine! Guarding in dogs

Dogs guard what is precious to them, but it is possible to live with a guarding dog with a little two-way understanding.

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Walking with a reactive dog

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Meeting and greeting other dogs

Meeting and greeting other dogs

Most dogs want to meet others and it is important for them to have the opportunity to display their natural social behaviours and improve their doggie greetings.

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We love muzzles!

Why muzzles are beneficial, choosing a good muzzle and how to train your dog to wear one

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