Mr B BC45070-Cat
Domestic Long Hair
16 years 2 months
I would prefer not to live with other cats
I cannot live with dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Mr B
Introducing our golden oldie, Mr B!
Mr B enjoys the quieter things in life, such as curling up on his favourite humans’ laps for a snooze. He can be a little timid to start off with, but it won’t take him long to come out of his shell and be meowing at you for fuss and attention! Despite his age, Mr B still likes to explore the outdoors, but will usually stay close to home.
More details about Mr B
To stop Mr B wandering back to his old home, he cannot be rehomed in parts of Trowbridge.
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Play with your cat!

Play with your cat!

Playing with your cat increases your bond, encourages them to stay closer to home, and reduces the urge to kill wildlife outside.

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour, Welfare

Making your home cat-friendly

Making your home cat-friendly

If you make your home a comfortable environment for a cat, they will spend more time with you and so be a more rewarding pet. 

Cats, Adopters, Cat behaviour

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